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Accelerator for industrial circular solutions in the North

CircUpscale focus on finding and developing transnational methods, tools, and practices to upscale circular economy initiatives and pilots.

The NPA CircUpscale preliminary project 2023-2024 aims to prepare a full scale NPA application and to build a strong consortium focusing on developing sustainable and efficient circular solutions and implementing related pilots in remote areas. The projects goal is to create a collaborative network that covers the NPA area and includes local authorities, universities, research institutes, and development companies responsible for providing a sustainable environment and infrastructure for the growth and flourishing of the industrial circular economy

CircUpscale is a collaboration between the knowledge and innovation company, Kunnskapsparken Helgeland in Northern Norway and Digipolis, an Industry park and Circular Economy Centre, located in Kemi, Finland.

The CircUpscale approach invites NPA actors of circular economy to benchmark and jointly develop industrial circular economy and to cross-fertilize innovative ideas across the NPA area. CircUpscale is a new and original attempt to provide a knowledge exchange platform on industrial circular economy in an NPA context – with focus on upscaling the initiatives. The project take into account many of the territorial challenges of the NPA area, such as lack of critical mass of potential customers, long distances, and need to find solutions that specifically could be implemented in the sensitive nature environments in the north.

Project period: 01.05.2023 – 31.05.2024

For more information and final project report, please visit CircUpscale at the NPA program site.

CircUpscale is a pre-project financed by Interreg Nothern Perifery and Arctic program (NPA).

Read more about Digipolis and the Circular Economy Park.

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